تم تأسيس شركة SiteWork للمقاولات وتنسيق الحدائق تصميم وتركيب شبكات الري والتحكم المركزي نظم وتوريد وزراعة نباتات الزينة لأغراض تجارية والمشاريع السكنية وتصميم وبناء الرياضة الملاعب (خاصة ملاعب كرة القدم وملاعب البولو). بناء وصيانة النوافير والسباحة حمامات سباحة .
Headphone product?
In order to create a more simple design, a unique brand concept was applied to the headphone. Burberry makes products that are classy yet modern I decided to focus on making a modern yet classy looking pair of headsets. I looked for ways to design headphones that look good at any place and any time.
Headphone product?
PDF HAUS is a practical product design educational institution situated in Korea. PDF HAUS, which started from a designer community called PDF (Product Designer's Forum), was able to sense the difficulties that students, designer-to-be or new designers, or other non-majors interested in design are going through, and the passion in them.